Garage and Pavillion Rental
Looking to stay dry or beat the heat in the shade, along with having electrical outlets and compressed air at your workspace? Blackhawk Farms Raceway offers garage and overhead space for your convenience. We have three different options available. Please contact us at 815-389-2000 to reserve your spot!
Garage Space – 4 Available – 13’w x 23’d – $55/day
Large Garage Space – 3 Available – 16’w x 28’d – $90/day
Open Air Pavillion – 6 Available – 14′ 8″w x 24’d – $75/day
Rental Gear
Want to participate in a BFR Track day but don’t have the necessary safety equipment? Blackhawk Farms has you covered with our equipment rental program. BFR’s Pit Stop store carries rental helmets and head socks for automotive track days.
Helmets for automotive track days:
Helmets are only available for rent for our BFR Auto Track Days only, not test & tune or racing events. Daily helmet rental is $25. You must purchase a head sock for $10.00 in the Pit Stop if you do not have one.
Please download and complete the rental form and bring it with you to the event.